Richard Karlquist


Last updated: March 2004

Born 1951 Minneapolis, MN

B.S. Electrical Engineering, "with distinction", Iowa State University, Ames, 1972
M.S. Electrical Engineering, Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA, 1982

Boeing Aerospace Company, Seattle, 1972-1975
Communications systems

Konel marine radio company, South San Francisco, 1975-1976
KR-78 synthesized VHF marine radio

Zeta Laboratories, Santa Clara, 1976-1979
Custom frequency sources

Hewlett Packard, Santa Clara Division, 1979-1998

RF designer, 10816 miniature rubidium frequency standard (1979-1982)
Memory designer, 5183 waveform recorder (1982-1983)
Project manager, 5183 waveform recorder (1984-1985)
Project manager, 5334B frequency counter (1986-1987)
RF designer, 5071 cesium atomic clock (1988-1993)
Production engineering of 10811F oven crystal oscillator (1994)
RF designer, E1938 oven crystal oscillator (1995-1997)

Hewlett Packard Laboratories, 1998-1999

Wireless networks research (1998)
Microwave test equipment research (1999)

Agilent Laboratories, 1999-present

Mux/demux design of 43 Gbit/s bit error rate tester (BERT), model 81250 (2000-2001)
Architect of broadband continuous phase detector IC (2002)
Design of broadband jitter measurement system using phase detector IC (2003-2004)